Terminates the definition of a data set. Terminates the definition of a group. Starts the definition of a group. It is possible to build a hierarchy of groups by bracketing calls to GroupBegin and GroupEnd. Sets the format of the labels of the current x- or y- axis. ax=xAxis or yAxis. i=number format, -1=auto, 0=decimal,1=exponential, any other number is used as a fixed exponent. decs=number of digits after the decimal point. Returns the x- and y-coordinates of the Preview window marker with the given index. Returns the y-coordinate of the Preview window marker with the given index. Returns the x-coordinate of the Preview window marker with the given index. Returns true if the given keyboard key is currently held down. key=(optionKey, commandKey, shiftKey, controlKey) Returns true if the mouse button is currently held down. Closes the given text file and redirects the output of 'Write' and 'Writeln' to the Results window. Redirects the output from 'Write' and 'Writeln'to the given file (ID=fileID) or to the Results window (ID=0). Creates a text file to which you can write with 'Write' and 'Writeln'. Returns the file ID. Call 'WriteToTextFile' to redirect the output of 'Write' and 'Writeln' to this file. Sets the text displayed in pro Fit's progress window during lengthy operations. Accepts six strings as parameters. The six strings are positioned in a 3x2 arrangement. Sets the title displayed in pro Fit's progress window during lengthy operations. Lets your hardware read the given text aloud. An array for storing global values common to all functions and programs. 0<=i<100. Returns the coordinates of the last clicked point within the current drawing window. Disables redrawing of the data window while your program is running. This will make your program faster. Converts a number to a text, and draws it at the current drawing postion. decs=number of digits after the decimal point. angle=rotation angle, 0,90,180,270 degrees. Set center=true to center the text on the current drawing position. Draws the given text at the current drawing position. angle=rotation angle, 0,90,180,270 degrees. Set center=true to center the text on the current drawing position. Draws a line with the given length, starting from the current coordinates. Adds (dx,dy) to the current coordinates. Terminates a curve definition. Starts the definition of a new curve in the current graph. The curve name you pass to this procedure is used in the legend. Sets the error bar style for the next data set created using 'OpenDataSet'. Cl,Ct,Lt = cap length, cap thickness, and line thickness in pts. Use Cl=-1 for default length, Cl=-1 to draw error boxes. Sets the filling style for the next curve created using 'OpenCurve'. ax = xAxis or yAxis. i=axis index. Sets the text drawing style. The first parameter is the name of the font. size=text size in pts, 3..48. style=text style, a sum of the constants bold, italic, underline, outline, shadow, condense, extend. Sets the background data point style (see 'SetDataPointStyle'.) Sets the foreground data point style. i=data point index, -8..17 (0=pixel, 1..13=row in style menu, 14..17=composite styles, -1..-8=custom point styles. size=size in pts, 2..128. thick=line thickness, 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 pts. Sets the arrow style. pos=position of the arrow on its line, 1..3 (1=start, 2=end, 3=both sides). i=arrow index, 0..12 (0=no arrow). size=size in pts, 1..128. Sets the line color. R,G,B are the color components, 0..65535. Sets the line style. thick=thickness in points, 0